7 Ways to Thrive in a Hybrid Work Environment

If you and your team are starting your transition into hybrid work, it’s time to make sure your team is set up for success. You’ve done the internal work for your hybrid office, but are your team members just as prepared? Here’s a list of things you and your employees can do to make sure they’re thriving in the hybrid work model instead of just surviving.

1. Plan ahead

Since you’re spending your time in multiple locations, planning your time in advance is important. If you need to collaborate with teammates in person, make sure to connect with them early on so you can sync your scheduled days in the office. This also will allow you to update your calendar and availability so colleagues can see where and when you’ll be working on-site or remotely.

2. Communicate, frequently

Since you’ll have people working in multiple locations at any given time, communicating often and openly is necessary. Communicate current work plans and needs that might arise in the near future so everyone can be on the same page. Strong, open communication leads to better collaboration and involvement, too.

3. Create a routine that works for you

If you’re splitting your time between home and the office, creating routines for each of these workdays will help you find your rhythm. The good news for anyone who likes some variety to their routine is that you can create two different rhythms for your different work locations. Find what makes you the most productive and stick to it.

4. Define your working hours

With flexibility, sometimes it’s hard to create boundaries. Don’t forget to make yours! Carve out your regular workings hours and make sure your calendar is up to date, so your availability is accurate, along with your work location. Creating these boundaries will help your workdays stay on track and prevent you from burnout.

5. Make sure you have the tools you need to succeed

Whether in the office or at home, make sure you have everything you need to be successful. Whether it’s an appropriate office chair and desk, technology, or hardware, take an inventory to ensure you have what you need no matter where you’re working. 

6. Make time for team building

There’s been a lot of digital team gatherings and online chats, which has been a great way to stay connected but make time for in-person team building, too. It might feel a little rusty and take some time to get in the groove of chatting face-to-face, but it’s absolutely necessary to build a strong hybrid team. 

7. Re-evaluate your schedule regularly

If something isn’t working, fix it! One of the upsides to hybrid work is being able to make changes as you see fit. Maybe getting up early and working right away works for a bit, but you need to change it up after a few months. Go for it! You can successfully make your workday look any way you want as long as you communicate and respond to your team. 

Employees are one of the most integral parts of the success of a hybrid work environment. Taking the time to set them up to do their best work, no matter where they’re located, will help everyone accomplish more. 

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