Roadmap Alert: Appspace and Cisco Webex

Appspace and Cisco Webex

Appspace has a long history of working with Cisco, and we’re happy to showcase our newest collaboration with the Cisco Webex suite of products. The Cisco Webex suite has several components within its portfolio, and Appspace is integrating with Webex Teams and Webex Devices.

Cisco Webex

Appspace bot for Webex Teams

Appspace for Webex Teams

A fully integrated experience both on the app and platform, the Appspace bot allows you to link one or more Webex Teams spaces to your Appspace account, from which you will be able to manage Appspace channels to deploy visually engaging communication updates.

Bringing Appspace features to Webex Teams means deploying a powerful CMS to author, publish and manage content. Using the Appspace HTML5 cards will allow all types of content from announcements, VoD and live video streams. Articles that can be viewed in each Webex Teams space increase the speed, reach and success rates of employee communications by targeting content to the audiences you need to reach.




Appspace for Webex Boards

We think communications should be a seamless experience for audiences, so we’re transforming the meeting room experience using Webex Boards.

Appspace for Webex Boards

Using the Appspace Progressive Web App deployed within a Webex Board, we can turn each one into an Appspace-managed device, bringing all the enterprise-grade features available through the console.


  • Board Scheduling: Using the Appspace Rooms card, view Webex Board availability, book instant meetings, extend a meeting that is in-progress, or schedule a future meeting. Manage meeting space availability using popular providers like Microsoft Office 365 and Google Calendar.
  • Digital Signage: Keep your team informed and engaged by sharing the latest news and announcements, dashboards, reports, social activities and more on Webex Boards.
  • Channel browsing: Browse and view channels using the native touch capabilities of the Webex Board. Access Live TV, training, town halls and more directly from your Webex Board.
  • Deliver Alerts: Increase the speed, reach, and success rate of emergency notification communications to get critical information to the people that need it on your Webex Boards.

How can I try it?

Ask AppspaceIf you’re wondering how you can get your hands on this integration, we’re happy to say that we’ve had a great experience through the early field trial. While we’re still ironing out the kinks and working towards general availability, we’re inviting everyone who’s interested into trial environments.


We’ve created a space where we’re happy to engage in conversation and answer any and all questions around our work with the Webex Suite. Join now by heading over to Ask Appspace.

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