The Employee Experience vs. The Workplace Experience

You’ve probably heard the terms employee experience and workplace experience. Notably, more in recent times because businesses and people in the working world are trying to make each of these experiences better. While at first glance, you might think, aren’t these two things very similar? It couldn’t be further from the truth. Both the employee experience and workplace experience are unique, but one cannot thrive without the other.

In order to better understand how to be successful in both of these areas, we need to know exactly what each one means. Let’s compare the two.

Employee Experience

Employee experience encapsulates what people encounter and experience during their tenure at an organization1

How employees interact with each other, leadership, customers, and organizational processes influence the employee experience. Many are quick to agree that a positive employee experience is important but aren’t sure what areas to focus on to improve it. Here are four things employee experience directly impacts:

  1. Engagement – positive experiences correlate to better engagement.
  2. Retention – employees are more likely to remain at an organization when their experience within the company is positive.
  3. Recruitment – attracting and hiring benefits from employee referrals and recommendations on review sites.
  4. Bottom line – engaged and invested employees are more productive and more focused on meeting and exceeding company goals.

So what about workplace experience?

Workplace Experience

Workplace experience is the full approach to create the best possible working environment for your team. 

The components of the workplace experience include:

  1. Technology – having the appropriate tools to equip your team in order to be successful is vital to the workplace experience. 
  2. Office space, tools – whether you’re in a physical office location or working remotely, having the space and tools to be productive is key.
  3. People – the folks working with each other to help make the workplace function are just as important in this equation. Without people, how can the workplace function?

It’s very clear to see how the employee experience and workplace experience overlap. Both are people-centric and want the best for the person in order to yield positive results and a positive environment. 

How can you effectively tackle both employee experience and workplace experience at the same time?

Consistent & clear communication

Keeping communication lines open and easy to access is an easy way to enhance employee and workplace experience. Keep digital signage communication current in the office, share the same messages with your remote workers, and make it easy for employees to reach someone if questions arise.

Create a tech stack appropriate for your team

If you have a mix of remote and on-site workers, make sure you have appropriate tools for collaboration, making it easy to work with colleagues no matter where they’re located. Using a full employee experience platform can help you achieve this. 

Embrace a modern workplace

The workplace is changing, so we have to change with it. Employees want to see more technology in the office. Implementing tools like space reservation puts your team in control of where they work and what resources they need in order to feel the most effective. 

It’s easy to see how both the workplace and employee experience intertwine and their importance to company success. Are there certain areas you can immediately make improvements to help enhance these for your team? 

  1. Culture Amp, “What is Employee Experience?”
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