Smart tools to manage your physical workplace

Make your workplace more welcoming, accessible, safe, and productive through Appspace Workplace Management solutions, unifying your physical and digital workplace. Management tools that help with meeting room scheduling, contactless check-in, and more are available in an employee app, intranet, and integrated into the tools you use every day.
Space Management For Facilities

Book desks, meeting rooms, and more

Make hot-desking, desk hoteling, and room booking simple, with space reservation capabilities. Your team can book in advance and make changes before ever stepping foot inside your office. Upload your floor plan and put your team in control of where they collaborate throughout the day.

Simplify the check-in process for office visitors

Upgrade your workplace experience for visitors, providing pre-registration before coming to your office, helping speed up the check-in process. Use interactive check-in kiosks or their personal devices to help expedite and improve visitor check-ins.
Visitor Management For Facilities
Digital Signage Wayfinding

Help everyone get where they need to be

Make maps and directories available on interactive kiosks throughout your office to help people get where they’re going. Employees can use their mobile devices and desktops to get a lay of the land before heading to the office – where new hires and team members who work offsite can plan ahead.

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Your guide to the Appspace Workplace Experience Platform

Learn how Appspace can help you connect your people, places, and spaces from a unified platform that keeps your teams informed and engaged.

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