Ragan Future of Communications 2023 recently concluded, and the Appspace team was there, joining discussions that are shaping the future of communication.

Let’s dive into four key themes that caught our attention.

1. AI and how to keep communications human

It’s no surprise that AI took center stage at the conference, with Appspace hosting a packed roundtable on how generative AI is revolutionizing internal communications.

A staggering 98% of global executives foresee AI foundation models playing an important role in their strategies in the next 3-5 years. Discussions revolved around how AI can address communication challenges and enhance human connections.

One large company, we learned, has challenged some of their employees to create first drafts of content using AI. The thinking here is that it’s faster to get to an initial draft and from there, writers can go through and edit, humanize, and update tone – reducing writer fatigue and making ideation easier.

We heard about concerns regarding the amount of corporate information that employees could feed AI. For instance, to safeguard the data from being disclosed publicly, certain companies were restricted from mentioning their company name in any prompts.

Take a look at our Infographic: How to keep communications in the age of AI.

A big discussion point was data-driven storytelling and how it can help boost engagement. AI, when harnessed effectively, can provide real insights into audience engagement, the best timing for communication, and discovering what drives positive change in an organization in terms of employee wellbeing, motivation, and productivity (which links nicely to the point about measurement below).

Futurist Samantha Jordan’s keynote underscored this – she talked about how AI is ushering in a new era of personalization and better employee communications, bringing people closer together. We agree. We shouldn’t lose sight of how valuable the human element is in employee comms before we get too excited about the technology.

You might want to take a look at: How AI and Appspace work together to provide a smarter, more connected workplace.

2. Moving beyond email – what’s next?

The overwhelming inbox conundrum was a hot topic at Ragan Future of Communications. Internal comms teams need solutions that foster better collaboration, open communication, and instant feedback, ensuring users can navigate their work without the constant clutter of an overstuffed inbox. The goal is to place activity where the user is, making communication a seamless part of the workflow.

Tools like an employee app or intranet give employees more headspace and reduce interruptions. So, is it time to say goodbye to email? Breaking the habit may be challenging, but it’s clear that the future lies in intuitive interfaces that support productivity rather than break that flow of work.

3. The need to improve the SharePoint experience and integrate with Microsoft Teams

A spotlight shone on the need to enhance the SharePoint experience and seamlessly integrate it with Teams.

Many employees “live” in Microsoft Teams every day. And it works well for quick chats and real-time communication. But for large-scale collaboration, teams need a more robust solution, like a modern intranet that integrates with the Microsoft ecosystem.

For those seeking to improve communication and workplace management within Teams, you may want to check out the Appspace App for Microsoft Teams.

4. Are you measuring your internal communications?

In the rush of communication, it’s easy to overlook measurement and analytics. Got something to say? The message goes out. But measurement and analytics are where the magic happens and should be top of mind when it comes to internal communications, from understanding engagement metrics to identifying areas for improvement.

AI steps up to the plate here, providing insights needed to assess the effectiveness of communication efforts. From understanding engagement metrics to identifying areas for improvement, measurement should always be at the forefront of internal comms strategies.

What’s your internal communications strategy for 2024?

Ragan Future of Communications 2023 highlighted how AI and human-centric communication should work hand-in-hand to create a better workplace for everyone. Appspace can help you to navigate this fast-evolving landscape and help you to create a workplace that employees love.

Interested in learning more? Give Appspace a try for free.