There is a large need for data-driven decisions in today’s climate. Between keeping track of how many people are in the office at any given time and reviewing communication effectiveness by engagement, there’s a lot to keep your eye on. Having clear, concise analytics can give you the data necessary to make important business decisions as your team comes back to the office. 

Analytics may not be the first thing we think about but they’re the backbone of a business. Appspace analytics can be a great tool in safely returning your employees and guests to your physical office locations. Here are some examples of how analytics can play a role in your return to office strategy. 

Space Management

Probably one of the most important new concerns of businesses everywhere is staying well-informed on building occupancy at any given time. With space management analytics, you can get a full scope of the office to understand high traffic hours and frequently used spaces. Both of which are a key metric in ensuring social distancing guidelines can be met at all times and regular office cleaning can be maintained to lower the health risks to those working in person. Space management analytics also provide data into your real estate footprint to help decide if you have enough office space, need a little more room, or can downsize. Lastly, with contact tracing remaining important, analytics can provide oversight to who was in the office and where they were in the event they need to be notified of potential health risks.

Communication Effectiveness

Staying connected and having open lines of communication have been of the utmost importance in the last ten months. While the consistent information flow has been great for many, it is vital to understand if messages being released are being received by their intended recipients. If people are dedicating their time and effort into a communication plan, planning smarter based on the users can help save time and stress. Communication analytics are able to provide information on user location, business line, and what device was used. Reviewing these trends can help tailor communication efforts. For example, maybe urgent information does better through enterprise message applications so you can eliminate all of those quick-turnaround emails. Or, your IT department gets most of their company information from their dedicated channel so updating cards frequently will turn better engagement from their team. Both of these examples are the results of reviewing communications analytics. 


As we lightly touched above, enterprise messaging applications are an important part of staying connected. While sending out messages to employees on popular platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Webex seem to be effective, analytics provide next-level information that can further optimize your communication strategy. With Slack, for example, there are probably many channels within your organization’s account. When it comes time to release important information, do you know which channel performs the best? Analytics can tell you exactly which channels receive the best engagement and which ones can be avoided. This continues to help with the goal of communicating smarter and more effectively with your team members. 

One of the other awesome features of analytics is device analysis, which lets you see how people are getting their messages, whether on their mobile or computer. See which creators in your organization are contributing content the most and on what channels. Lastly, track content approvals to better understand how long it takes for new content to be approved and if that process needs to be updated for your organization. 

With the full picture analytics is able to provide, you can feel confident in making smart decisions for your team. To learn more and get a better understanding of what analytics can do, visit our workplace analytics page.