What is a product team? They’re typically small, cross-functional teams that work to achieve the common outcome of producing a top-of-the-line digital product. Not only are these team members tech-savvy and endlessly knowledgable in their product space, but they’re also team players and collaborators. They have to blend tech and communication every single day in order to make headway in their work. These teams more than ever need the right tools to be successful.   

We mentioned above that these team members are tech-savvy. They also know how to band together but can work alone for long periods. The impact of hybrid and remote work probably wasn’t as drastic to these team members, who often step away and put their heads down to meet product deadlines. 

Before the pandemic and the shift to hybrid and remote work, 70% of product managers said they preferred to work in the office. When asked their preference a year later, 67% of those product managers said they preferred to work off-site. That’s a huge switch!

These highly collaborative teams have to change how they interact with reduced or completely eliminated face-to-face interactions. We’re going to look at some of the ways product teams can use Appspace to stay in touch and maintain that high level of collaboration.

Stay connected

Depending on the arrangement at your office, you might have everyone back in the office, a hybrid team, or a remote team. What doesn’t change is your need to stay in touch. Especially if your team is a hybrid, having a way to communicate directly with team members is essential. 

Using the Employee App to set up regular reminders of scheduled meetings and project deadlines is a good way to get your team on the same page. Create your own alert and reminder cards from the templates in the Appspace gallery and publish them to your team channel. These notifications will go straight to your teams’ personal devices.

Plan in-office collaboration days

Your team can coordinate in-office collaboration days with room and desk reservations from the employee app. Rather than waiting until the day of to find an appropriate workspace, you can book the proper resources and meetings spaces in advance – all from home or on the go. 

Share and store shared documents

Working in multiple different locations and trying to keep track of documents can be a challenge. Whether they’re final documents or work documents, trying to keep them in order as a product team is necessary. An intranet is a perfect place to neatly organize information and make it readily accessible to many people, with ease.

The product team is often asked for information and resources from different departments, too. The intranet can help reduce repetitive asks for documents – which is an added bonus!

Integrate your frequently used tools

Chances are there are a number of technology tools your team is using. Sometimes they can feel disjointed and bouncing from application to application can be cumbersome. Take your frequently used applications and couple them with Appspace to help cohesively share information via the Appspace platform. Whether it’s through enterprise messaging apps or published to cards that are then shared via the employee app, there are plenty of options to maximize your tech stack. Learn more about integrations here

Product teams are one of the most collaborative groups within an organization. Staying in touch with the large volume of information that is constantly being shared might sound hard, but Appspace offers solutions to make it easy to work together, no matter where your team works.

If you have specific questions or want to learn more about Appspace, reach out to our team today.