The Future of Work: Flex Scheduling

As we continue to dive into the future of work, aside from where we work, when we work is also changing. At the start of the pandemic and the shift to remote work began, workers started logging longer hours. 70% of workers said they started working on weekends and longer hours during the weekdays when the pandemic began1. Cue the burnout. It didn’t take long before workers raised the white flag and said, “This isn’t sustainable!” Many were facing the question: How do we balance work and life now that the two are blending together?

Enter: flex schedules or flex work. Flex schedules can be coupled with hybrid work or traditional in-office roles. The focus isn’t on where; it’s when you work. Flex work gives the employee the choice to decide what working time works best for their productivity and daily life. 

The best part about flexible work and schedules is adaptability. Truly when we say this can be unique for any organization, we mean it. Flex work doesn’t mean everyone writes their entire schedule without approval from their manager, but it opens the door for options and choice – things that boost employee satisfaction. In fact, 74% of people said they’d be more likely to stay at an organization if flexible work is provided2

As we know, nothing is perfect, so with flex work comes some challenges, so it’s important to note them prior to implementing flex work with your team. Let’s take a look at the stats and how you can improve them at your company. 


17% of workers polled said their biggest struggle with flexible work is communication. With workers being encouraged to work when is best for them, there are bound to be night owls and early birds, and the in-between. Communication has always been an important part of work, but now it is more important than ever. Making it simple to broadcast important information through digital signage or an employee app can help the greater organization stay on the same page. Utilizing an intranet to share information and house documentation that anyone can access anytime is also a great tool to implement with your flexible team. 


While you want to empower employees to work when it is best for them, there still needs to be time to collaborate. One of the ways you can ensure collaboration happens is by outlining meeting times. These would be the only fixed hours all hands would need to be on deck to hold meetings, and team members can work together before breaking off on individual tasks. 75% of workers said collaboration was very important in order for them to be successful at their job3. Make sure everyone is set up for success!


69% of people working from home or flexibly are showing at least one symptom of burnout caused by overworking4. It’s important to help employees define schedules and prioritize their mental and physical health. Whether it’s offering a half-day once a week to the team or prompting mental breaks during the day, everyone needs a little reminder to take care of themselves. You can use digital signage and custom cards to help push reminders to your employees in just a few clicks. 

If you’re already implementing a flexible work model with your team, we’d love to hear more about what works and what needs some improvement. If something is missing or that could improve with some help from Appspace, let’s connect. You can reach one of our team members by filling out our contact form

  1. “Remote Employees are Working Longer than Before”, SHRM, Dec 2020
  2. “The Ultimate List of Remote Work Statistics 2021”, Findstack, Oct 2021
  3. “21 Collaboration Statistics that Show the Power of Teamwork”, Bit.Ai, 2019
  4. “Work-From-Home-Burnout: Causes and Cures”, Forbes, Sept 2020
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